Anbe Sivam is a Tamil television show that aired on Vijay TV in India. The show is based on the 2003 Tamil film of the same name, which tells the story of two men who are brought together by fate and embark on a journey of self-discovery and friendship. The show, which translates to "Love is God," explores deep and thought-provoking themes through the experiences of its characters. With its engaging storylines and powerful performances, Anbe Sivam is a must-watch for fans of Tamil television. Whether you're a newcomer to the show or a long-time fan, Anbe Sivam is sure to leave you captivated and moved by its poignant portrayal of the human experience.
The show was released on Vijay TV in India on October 18, 2021 on OTT.
Anbe Sivam follows the story of two individuals who are struggling to find happiness in their personal lives. Anbu Selvi is a divorcee who is trying to raise her young son on her own, while Nalla Sivam is a successful businessman who has always put his career before everything else. Despite their differences, the two lonely hearts decide to marry each other for the sake of their children, hoping that a new start will bring them the happiness and fulfillment they've been seeking.
As they embark on this new journey together, Anbu and Nalla Sivam face a series of challenges and obstacles that test their bond and force them to confront their own personal demons. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and the importance of family. Despite the struggles they face, the two characters find themselves drawn to each other, and they begin to rediscover the love and passion they thought they had lost forever.
Vikram Shri as Nalla Sivam
Kavitha Gowda as Anbu Selvi
Anbe Sivam is a Tamil-language television show that aired on Vijay TV in India.
The show is based on the 2003 Tamil film of the same name, which tells the story of two men who are brought together by fate and embark on a journey of self-discovery and friendship.
Anbe Sivam, which translates to "Love is God," explores themes of love, friendship, and the human condition through the experiences of its two main characters, Nalla Sivam and Anbarasu?
Anbe Sivam is a drama TV show.
Anbe Sivam is a one-season TV show.
Anbe Sivam was filmed in Tamil Nadu, India.
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Show Released Date | 18 Oct 2021 |
Total Episodes | 228 |
Audio Langauges |
Genres | Drama |