The Police Diary is a telugu drama TV show, The storyline of the Telugu show revolves around the Host who narrates the dramatized version of crime stories happening in the city. The host also tells the safety measures to avoid getting served by these crimes. The show has a total of 218 episodes each of 22 minutes each.
The TV show Police Diary was released on 16th June, 2013 on the ZEE5 OTT platform.
Police Diary is a Telugu crime TV show hosted by Nagababu that showcases different crime stories in a dramatized version. Each episode presents a unique crime story and how the police department solves it. The show emphasizes the importance of being aware of the crimes happening around us and taking appropriate measures to prevent them. Nagababu acts as the narrator and provides insights on crime prevention, criminal behavior, and police procedures. The series aims to educate and empower the audience to be vigilant and cautious, ultimately contributing to a safer society.
Cast - Character
Nagababu - Host
1. Police Diary is known to be broadcasted on Zee Telugu on the Weekend nights at 10.30pm.
2. The Tagline of the show is ‘People Against Crime’.
Show Released Date | 16 Jun 2013 |
Total Episodes | 190 |
Audio Langauges |
Genres | Crime Drama |