Oru Kodai Murder Mystery is a Tamil drama series, the story revolves around Vyom, a school student who investigates the mysterious death of his quiz show partner Tara. With twists and turns full of suspense, the series is a ride of the mystery genre. The web series has a total of 8 episodes each with the duration of 32 minutes.
The adventure Web Series Oru Kodai Murder Mystery was released on 21st April, 2023 on the ZEE5 OTT platform.
Oru Kodai Murder Mystery is a Tamil mystery web series that follows the story of Vyom, a school student who sets out to investigate the death of his quiz show partner, Tara. After Tara goes missing on the day of their planned meeting, her body is discovered in a lake. Devastated by her death, Vyom is determined to uncover the truth behind her mysterious demise, and enlists the help of his friends. As they begin their investigation, they discover a web of lies, deceit, and betrayal. Everyone becomes a suspect, and the group must navigate their way through a maze of clues and red herrings to solve the case.
Abhirami-Ananthalakshmi (Annie) Varadarajan
Aakash-Vyom Varadarajan
John Jude Kennedy-Shital Bannerjee
Namrita MV-Tara Venkat
Abitha Venkatraman-Sanjana
Nikhil Nair-Manav Varadarajan
Aishwarya Bhaskaran-MLA Meenakshi Mohan
Lizzie Antony-DSP Jayanthi Selvaraj
Pawan-Inspector Madhavan
"Aaru" Bala-Ganesh Pandian
Jeson Joy-Karthik Soman
Director-Vishal Venkat
Producer-Fazila Allana and Kamna Menezes
1. Vishal Venkat is also known for his directing debut in Sila Nerangalil Sila Manithargal.
2. Abhirami made her debut with the movie Kathapurushan directed by Adoor Gopalakrishnan.
The cinematography of the drama web series Oru Kodai Murder Mystery is handled by Raj Kumar P M.
The screenplay of the Tamil adventure web series is written by Padmakumar Narasimhamurthy.
Web-series Released Date | 21 Apr 2023 |
Total Episodes | 8 |
Audio Langauges |
Genres | Drama Mystery Adventure |