The ZEE5 Originals Final Call is a psychological thriller series that is not only an edge-of-the-seat drama thanks to its powerful screenplay but also teaches us many lessons. Directed by Vijay Lalwani and produced by Ajay G Rai, the series has a talented set of the lead cast aka Arjun Rampal as Captain Karan Sachdev and Sakshi Tanwar as ATC In-Charge Kiran Mirza.
The story revolves around a suicidal commercial pilot Captain Sachdev, who decides to end his life mid-air, like a real fighter pilot of the armed forces (his ex-profession). However, in a turn of events, the coffee he poisoned for himself causes not one but two disasters as it accidentally kills his co-pilot and the backup pilot. Enter, ATC (Air Traffic Control) in-charge Kiran Mirza, who calmly then deals with Karan. Whether he lands the flight safely or not forms the crux of the series.
Today, we will look at the times when Sakshi Tanwar impressed us as Kiran Mirza, in Final Call. Like this scene, which marks the entry of her on the show. She is brought in on her last day at work and lands up with a possible case of hijack when Captain Sachdev’s flight Skyline 502‘s communication goes off.