After seeing Apurva Nemlekar’s sizzling performance at Zee Chitra Gaurav Puraskar 2019, we were severely impressed by her dancing skills. The actress who plays Shevanta’s role in Ratris Khel Chale 2 has received a lot of love for her character. Most of us must wonder, how Apurva keeps herself fit in real life as they look to have an enviable body like hers.
If you fall in this category, then, here’s what you can do to get curves like Shevanta.
Before you proceed, watch her in Ratris Khel Chale 2 below:
First, you could start by defining your shoulders by building muscle. Try out lifting 2-3 kgs of dumbbells. Keep your legs wide and stand straight. Then, do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.