Adbuture, the popular Bengali series that is based on the collection of stories written by Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, is a horror show that makes for the ideal watch for those who love the spooky genre and cannot get enough of it! The author says that while most of the stories are fictional, there are many that have been inspired by real-life experiences! Here are six episodes that you need to catch up with on this show. Read on to know what they are.
A newlywed couple chooses a bungalow said to be inhabited by ghosts as their honeymoon destination. The manager of the bungalow visits the place monthly and the only permanent resident is the caretaker. The manager informs the caretaker about the couple’s impending visit and alerts him to keep mum about the mystery surrounding a particular room in the bungalow which is locked for a long time. What is the couple going to experience once they step in the bungalow?