Victor Banerjee, the renowned actor who has worked across a wide breadth of films in Tollywood, Bollywood, and even Hollywood, is known for his suave charm and sophisticated style, not to mention his versatile acting prowess. He has worked with directors like Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen, Ram Gopal Varma and even Roman Polanski. We bring you five movies featuring him that you can stream on the platform anytime.
Raktareen is a 1990 Bengali drama film starring Banerjee along with Utpal Dutt, Abhijit Sen and Anup Kumar. Jagatpati, a criminal, masquerades as a saint and conducts all his criminal activities from his ashram. Rameshwar Mitra, Jagpati’s devotee, hands over a confidential file to Satyen. When Satyen ends up getting murdered, his son decides to avenge his death. This thrilling movie will have you hanging on to the edge of your seat!