Sehban Azim and Reem Shaikh play the popular on-screen couple Malhar and Kalyani, nicknamed as #KalMa, on Zee TV show Tujhse Hai Raabta. The actors have been constantly praised for their impeccable performance and sizzling chemistry on the television daily soap. However, not many are aware that Sehban and Reem share a warm rapport and a great friendship off-screen as well. Here, check out their five pictures from the sets of their telly series that prove Sehban and Reem are the new BFFs about town.
This picture from September 2018 depicts a close camaraderie between the co-stars, caught candid on the sets.
The two actors often spend their break time playing pranks and teaching the other something new. Sehban often turns photographer for his friend on the sets as he is passionate about photography on days when he is not playing a driving teacher to Reem, who is hoping to start driving her own car soon. On the other hand, Reem has taken it upon herself to compel Sehban to eat healthy food and have green tea.