Zee Marathi‘s popular show Home Minister has been successfully running for the past 15 years. The show includes married women aka Vahinis participating in fun games to win a paithani saree. Owing to its popularity, the show reached every nook and corner of Maharashtra. One of the key reasons behind its success is Aadesh Bandekar who has been hosting this show since its inception. His unique anchoring style made him the beloved Bhauji to all the Vahinis across the state. He took things a notch higher by crossing geographical borders with Home Minister International. Now as we gear up for the new format Home Minister Gharchya Ghari, it would be interesting to see how Bhauji would be interacting with the Vahinis remotely from home. Considering his talents, we know that Aadesh’s anchoring would be absolutely on point. Here are five qualities of Aadesh that make him a great host.
Watch an episode Home Minister Swapna Gruh Lakshmiche here.
1. He makes the Vahinis comfortable
The women of the house take time to open up sometimes; possibly because most of them are on camera for the first time or are intimidated by Aadesh’s personality. However, our beloved Bhauji makes them feel comfortable and at ease. This gets them to talk and share interesting insights about their life.
2. His sense of humour
Apart from his charming attitude, Aadesh possesses a great sense of humour which makes him all the more likeable. He cracks jokes and lightens the mood in the game which can get competitive over the course of time.
3. His fluent diction
Aadesh has an incredible command over his language which is evident when he interacts with everyone. His fluent diction is also what makes him the best in his field.
4. Ability to convince everyone
Anchoring essentially involves the act of convincing the audience. It is a skill that Aadesh has developed over the years which he uses smartly to provide a push to the participants in the game.
5. Grasp of the format
Aadesh is a skilled host and knows the format of his show thoroughly. Apart from Home Minister, Aadesh has also hosted the game show Zing Zing Zingaat. The show was based on participants taking up challenges and singing songs in a competitive format. He was as brilliant as he is now, but no surprises there right?
Are you excited to watch the new format of Home Minister? Comment below and tell us!
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