Cheers My Love is an upcoming short film on ZEE5 which is directed by Nilip Deb. The film features Riya Sen and Swapnnil Ralkar in lead roles. The story of the film has been penned down by Satyajit Dutta and the music has been given by Santajit Chatterjee.
The story of Cheers My Love is about a short journey into the core of marital discord and showcases how suspicion strangles love and impulsive step can turn happening life into a tragic one. Many couples could easily relate to this interesting plot which is about an urban couple. The film will teach us how sometimes the flood of emotions could destroy happy homes. Cheers My Love talks about infidelity and cheating in a relationship. Here are various reasons why you should not miss this short drama film.
1.Spine-chilling plot
Cheers My Love is an upcoming short film which is full of drama, thriller, suspense and consist of the dark psychological thriller. The storyline of the movie will keep them on the edge of their seat. Cheers My Love is about a couple wherein the wife gets ready to meet her friends while her husband prepares to leave for an official trip on the day of their marriage anniversary. Soon, the wife gets a message on her phone and it is revealed that she has an extramarital virtual affair. She gets ready to meet her unknown lover for the first time. Husband tells the wife to celebrate with a drink and mixes something into her glass. The husband gets to know about his wife’s affair. What will happen next?
Cheers My Love is a film that showcases us with a various perspective that we need to see and talk about. There are rare movies that break stereotypes and help us to find prejudice around love.
3.An ensemble cast
The makers have roped in Riya Sen and Swapnnil Ralkar to play the role of an urban couple in the film. These two actors are a visual treat for viewers and their characters will do justice in the film.
4.Old wine packed in a new bottle but with a twist
Yes, you might be thinking that there are several movies based on cheating and infidelity. How is Cheers My Love different in any way. Well, Cheers My Love is a story which has been narrated by the right people to teach audiences things that we tend to ignore at times. The director teaches us various forms of love and tells us to appreciate it. Cheers My Love is an emotion that will make you excited about what lies ahead in it.
5.Excelling storytelling
The story of Cheers My Love is larger than any movie or series might showcase. At the end of the movie, viewers will get a clear picture of why the couple were the way they were and this is due to the amazing storyline that narrated it so beautifully.
Stay tuned for more updates on Cheers My Love.