The third instalment of the Commando franchise is all set to make its digital premiere. Vidyut Jammwal, Adah Sharma and Angira Dhar’s ensemble movie Commando 3 is to be released on 21 February 2020, exclusively on ZEE5. The 2019 film will take you on the challenging journey of Commando Karanveer, who takes on an anti-terrorist mission for the love of his country and his profession. Directed by Aditya Datt, here are 5 things that will definitely make you want to watch the action-thriller without fail!
Starting with the leading ladies, both of them have stunned the audience in their savage and tough avatar. Adah Sharma, who plays Inspector Bhavna Reddy, was also seen assisting Commando Karan in the previous mission. The new addition Angira Dhar, essaying Mallika Sood, doubles the girl power with her performance. Both the actresses are seen riding bikes, punching and kicking the terrorist gang and rewriting the definition of a woman. They crush down gender stereotypes of society with their brave attitude.
She’s a little sass and a lot of badass!👊🏽 Breaking bones and barriers in #Commando3 on 29th November @VidyutJammwal #VipulAmrutlalShah @adidatt @Shibasishsarkar @RelianceEnt #SunshinePictures @MPC_UK @adah_sharma @gulshandevaiah @ZeeMusicCompany @PicturesPVR
— Angira (@angira_dhar) November 20, 2019