Basking in the humongous success of Uri: The Surgical Strike, Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal proved that he is here to stay. When the world couldn’t get enough of his character Kamli in Sanju, Vicky was busy slipping under the skin of Major Vihan Shergill for Aditya Dhar’s action thriller. The 30-year-old star’s film went blazing guns at the box office and turned out to be a massive hit. For those who haven’t watched Uri: The Surgical Strike yet, we suggest you leave and come back for more later.
You can now watch Uri: The Surgical Strike on ZEE5:
From here on the article is full of spoilers. You have been warned. As the movie makes it’s world digital premiere, we round up it’s five best scenes that made you sit up and take notice.
The very first moment wherein Major Vihan Shergill asks his jawaans, “How’s the Josh?” It was after they had killed a group of terrorists and were waiting for the helicopter. That gave us #feels.