May 14th is celebrated with pride as the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje by people across Maharashtra. The Maratha ruler was the eldest son born to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj-Maharani Saibai and was known for his brave tactics and strategic warfare. Sambhaji succeeded the throne after Shivaji Maharaj’s untimely death. The valiant king fought the Mughals and established the rule of Swarajya in the Maratha kingdom. On the occasion of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Jayanti, here are the best episodes from Swarajyarakshak Sambhaji that you need to revisit today.
We begin with Sambhaji’s coronation which is probably the best moment in the history of the Marathas. The Marathas were without a king for quite long before Sambhaji Maharaj arrived on the scene and re-wrote history. Following his father Shivaji Maharaj’s ideals, Sambhaji ascended the throne amidst pomp and celebration in the capital. Everyone across the kingdom was overjoyed to see the people’s king on the throne.
Watch an episode where Sambhaji launches an attack on Aurangzeb.