The story of Premier Padmini, directed and produced by Ramesh Indira and Shruti Naidu respectively, revolves around a middle-aged man, Vinayak. This wonderful and albeit relatable story will interest you till the end. Vinayak, played by the Navarasa Nayaka Jaggesh, is an unhappy salaried professional who is on the verge of getting a divorce from his wife Shruti, played by Madhoo Shah.
This lovely romantic drama has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Apart from Jaggesh and Madhoo Shah, the cast comprises Vivek Simha, who used to play the role of Soorya on the Zee Kannada show, Mahadevi, evergreen actress Sudharani and TV star Pramod.
Apart from the cast, the story and dialogues also leave a lasting impression. Here are some wonderful dialogues from the film that are totally relatable and will take you through every mood. Starting with this statement that Vinayak makes while talking to his colleague Pragathi (Aishwarya Baspure aka Maya from Yaare Nee Mohini) after he gets frustrated with life and his job.
If you are comprehending what the dialogue means, here goes: “Who should I work for? My wife isn’t with me, I don’t know where my son is…I am almost reaching 50 years of age and this boss of ours speaks however he wants with me. He is a young chap but I am ageing now, still, he keeps late-night meetings at 1:00 am. For the same, I get sleepless and thereby wake up late. Not only do I have to make my own breakfast and coffee, but I have to also make it on time by taking public transport. So, I cannot work like this anymore.“