Directed and produced by Rabi Ojha, Ek Akasher Niche is a very popular Bengali TV serial revolving around the members of a colourful joint family. The leading characters are played by actors Parthasarathi Deb, Chaitali Ghosal, Saswata Chatterjee, Sudipa Basu and Rumni Sengupta among others. Ek Akasher Niche was one of the longest shows to run on Bengali TV, and many of us have fond memories of watching an episode every weeknight. Today we bring you five reasons why we loved it so much.
Ek Akasher Niche centres around a big family, and each member of it has a different personality. What we love is that they are all characters leading lives we can relate to. We can identify with their joys and their pains, their everyday troubles and worries, and their hopes and dreams. This is why we got engrossed into their daily lives, and got hooked to the show.