Adinath Kothare has talent and charm that could make all ladies go weak in the knees! The 100 Days actor, who is married to Urmila Kothare of the Duniyadari fame, celebrates his birthday today. Adinath is all set for his Bollywood debut in the film 83 starring Ranveer Singh and Saqib Salem. The actor is popular for his talent, charm, and impeccable fashion sense. However, on his birthday, we look at a few lesser-known facts about him!
Watch the actor from his show 100 Days, also starring Tejaswini Pandit.
Adinath, who is veteran actor Mahesh Kothare’s son, ventured into cinema, at the tender age of 9. He acted in the film Majha Chakula and went on to win the state-level award for ‘Best Child Actor!’ Later in his career, Adinath ventured into film production as well as direction. His directorial debut Paani with Priyanka Chopra’s Purple Pebble won him an award for the Best National Film On Environmental Conservation. He has also produced successful shows like Jai Malhar under his banner of Kothare Production House.