School days are the best days of life! Cherishing the most fun times in a child’s life, Bandbudh and Budbak is an animated (cartoon) comedy show that revolves around two 10-year-old boys named Badrinath and Buddhdeb. The duo is full of mischief, like any boys their age, and always end up in a mess for others as well as for themselves! Taking you through some hilarious moments, here are some reasons why this show is a super hit among kids!
Before, watch the first episode here:
1. Non-stop comedy scenes
Undoubtedly, kids are bundles of joy for adults! But Badrinath (Badri) and Buddh (Buddhdeb) are beyond just funny. They are kids that will make you laugh constantly until your stomach starts aching and cheeks begin hurting. Perpetually punished by their teachers, Badri and Buddh become murgas (roosters) and turn into a laughing stock for the entire class with their humorous dialogues!