Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay‘s lead actor Krushal Ahuja, who plays the role of Karna Sen, is known for his love for travelling. The actor, who set off to Himachal Pradesh for a fun hilly holiday a couple of months ago, has been soaking in the sun these days in Goa. Ending the year the best possible way, as many would agree, Krushal Ahuja is currently taking one of the most desired year-ending Goa trips and basking away in the sun.
Watch what will happen next on Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay here:
Goa vibes for Krushal
Krushal wore a skull bandana, a pair of red sunglasses, blue shorts and a white t-shirt with red roses designed all over it as he relaxed on a beach chair in one of his first Goa photos. The actor soaked in the afternoon sun and the true Goa vibes as he kick-started his vacation.
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Krushal’s love for denim and holidays
The Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay fame recently shared his latest look from one of his outings during his Goa vacation. The actor rocked an attractive blue and white denim-on-denim outfit in his latest Instagram post. In the caption, he added that he had a lot of love for denim in itself. He paired matching blue sunglasses with his blue denim jacket and ripped denim pants and wore white sneakers to match his soft white shirt.
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Breezy boat rides and sunny days
In another post, the actor appeared to be having some fun yet relaxing time on his vacation as he sailed on the sea. Krushal wore a crisp white shirt, a pair of colourful beach shorts, blue sunglasses and a life jacket as he enjoyed a breezy boat ride along on a sunny day.
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Krushal Ahuja’s love for travelling is no secret to his fans. The actor triggered everyone’s wanderlust when he took a trip to the Himachal late this year. So although seeing him in Goa now is not a major surprise, the vibrant and sunny photos he has been sharing are making us all crave a trip to the beaches too.
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