Apna Time Bhi Aayega stars Megha Ray as Rani, Fahmaan Khan as Veer Pratap Singh Rajawat and Tannaz Irani as Rajeshwari/Rani Sa in lead roles. Actress Tannaz Irani, who essays Rani Sa’s character in the show, celebrates her 50th birthday on April 8, 2021. Welcoming the milestone birthday at midnight along with her family, Tannaz appears to have had a merry and gala time and we can say so from the photos and videos that she just shared on her social media handle.
Watch what will happen next on Apna Time Bhi Aayega here:
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Tannaz’s 50th birthday – a milestone
In the first clip of her post, Tannaz was seen welcoming her special 50th birthday at midnight, with the inevitable cake-cutting ritual. With husband Bakhtiyaar Irani, his sister Delnaaz Irani and others by her side, Tannaz could not contain her happiness as she smiled from ear-to-ear while others sang her the famous birthday song. With sparkling candles alight on a two-tiered cake, Tannaz soaked in all the birthday joy, love and happiness present around her as she cut the cake with her hubby by her side.
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Attendees of Tannaz’s birthday celebrations
On the morning of her birthday, Tannaz Irani took to her social media handle to share a bunch of super fun photos from her midnight birthday celebrations. Several of her absolutely close family members were seen in the special series of her 50th birthday celebration photos on Tannaz’s Instagram page. From her husband to her children to her sister-in-law, all her close and loved ones participated in the actress’ adorable birthday festivities.
Love from her loved ones
Donning a gorgeous golden birthday dress, Tannaz was seen sipping on some champagne with Bakhtiyaar. Her kids grabbed the opportunity of her milestone birthday to shower more love on their beloved mother as they posed for photos and boomerangs with her and their father. Bakhtiyaar’s sister, Delnaaz Irani was also present at the birthday festivities of Tannaz. Alongside beau Percy, Delnaaz attended Tannaz’s beautiful birthday and even posed for photos with the family.
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In the caption of her post, Tannaz declared the good practices she intended on maintaining in the coming time. She also thanked her lovely hubby Bakhtiyaar for going above and beyond to make arrangements for her birthday despite the restrictive situation. Needless to say, Tannaz’s 50th birthday was welcomed exceptionally well, leaving the actress beyond happy.
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