Raghav Juyal stunned fans with his performance in the ZEE5 Original Abhay 2. Recently, the actor shared a video on his social media talking about his knee surgery. It’s never a dull moment with Raghav Juyal around even when he is on the hospital bed. The actor shared a quirky video talking about his ACL surgery. He was seen lying on a bed with a mask on as he talked about the same.
In the video, Raghav Juyal greeted his fans and said that he had successful knee surgery. Later, he mimicked a character as he said operation successful. Raghav Juyal was treated at Sports Med hospital in Mumbai. Fans in a huge number showered love for Raghav and wished him for a speedy recovery. Celebrities like Elli Avram, Bandagi Kalra, Riddhima Pandit, Gauhar Khan, Terence Lewis, Aashka Goradia and many others send him wishes for a speedy recovery.
The actor also shared another video on social media eating Sev puri and introducing the one person who is accompanying him in hospital. Raghav shared a hilarious take on being injected with anaesthesia. He called anaesthesia a lady who is with him in his dreams and now eating delicious Sev puri to spend time. He also said that anaesthesia is his best person and only his property.
On the work front, Raghav rose to fame in 2003 with his performances in the dance-based show Dance India Dance 3. Later, he featured in the films ABCD2 and Street Dancer 3D. Raghav Juyal made his digital debut with ZEE5 series Abhay 2. It stars Kunal Kemmu, Asha Negi, Ram Kapoor, Nidhi Singh and Chunky Pandey in key roles. This series is about Abhay Pratap Singh played by Kunal Kemmu, who is a sharp investigating officer and has to save a girl from being harmed. Ram Kapoor will play in the role of villain along with Raghav Juyal in this series.
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