Recently on Zee Marathi’s Agga Bai Sasubai, we saw Shubhra’s Mangala Gauri finally going smoothly, after experiencing some glitches. Pradnya tried to sabotage the whole affair, but Abhijeet Raje saved the day. As a thank you, Asawari even bought a kurta for him, which he wore to show her how good he looks in it. Even though Soham is still against Asawari and Abhijeet’s friendship, the latter is adamant to not give up. Asawari too is slowly warming up to him, despite what her son thinks. But how long will this last?
Watch the latest episode here.
As per the latest promo, looks like Abhijeet is done with Asawari’s dilly dallying, and has given her an ultimatum. In the upcoming episode, we will see Abhijeet requesting her to teach him a new dish. But Asawari as usual, will cook up an excuse to get out of it. How will Abhijeet react? Watch here.
As you can see, Abhijeet is fed up of Asawari’s excuses and has told her that if she doesn’t teach him a new dish, he will shut down his restaurant! Will he really take that extreme a step? Do you think Abhijeet is being unreasonable and harsh?
Post your thoughts in the comments section below and stay tuned for more updates! Catch all the episodes of Agga Bai Sasubai, streaming for free on ZEE5 here.