Bollywood stars often share pictures and video with their loved ones on social media. Whether it’s their children, parents, spouses or friends, fans are updated about almost everything about their idol. Recently, Kajol and Ajay Devgn‘s daughter Nysa Devgn turned 18 and the happy parents wished her in the most adorable way.
Check out this video to know more:
Ajay Devgn shared a picture with a young Nysa on his Instagram profile and wished her on her birthday. He also wrote, “Small joys like this are the only ‘break’ in stressful times like these”. The actor didn’t forget about the ones suffering in these testing times and wrote, “a sincere prayer for all those who need healing”.
Meanwhile, Kajol shared an adorable throwback picture featuring baby Nysa. While wishing her a “happy adulthood” the actress recalled the time when she was having her and said, “I was so nervous when u were born. It was the biggest exam of my life and I had all those fears and feelings that go with it for a whole year at least”. She also added how more often she was a student learning from her daughter than teaching her new things. She lovingly asked her daughter to “fly high” and not “tone down” her shine for anyone.
Also Read: On husband Ajay Devgn’s birthday, Kajol reveals ‘what makes him the happiest’
On the work front, Kajol was last seen in Tribhanga, while the details of her next project are unknown. Ajay Devgn has a lot of films lined up for him. This includes Abhishek Dudhaiya’s ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’, S.S.Rajamouli’s RRR and more.
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