Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan’s arrest case has turned eyeballs of the internet. The internet is awaiting the next update post-October 4, where the NCB has sought custody of Aryan Khan and others accused until October 7. The lawyer of Arbaz Seth Merchantt also revealed a statement that his client is being framed and the custody has been sought by the NCB for confronting the new people who have been caught for the case. Bollywood personnel has slowly started giving their comments about the case. Pooja Bhatt, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, interior designer Hrithik Roshan’s ex-wife Sussanne Khan, director Hansal Mehta have spoken in favor of Shah Rukh Khan. The new person added to the list is rapper Mika Singh who also gave a hilarious comment on the case.
Mika Singh took to his Twitter and shared a picture of the cruise and adding his comment he said that how beautiful the cruise was and he wished that he could be present there too. Wasting no time and coming to the point, the raper also pointed sarcastically that on the entire ship only Aryan Khan was roaming because apparently, nobody was present at the ship. He ended his statement by saying that these are limits and wished his 4.1 Million followers Good Morning and hoped the readers have a wonderful day.
Check out the tweet here:
In this tweet, netizens have quickly shared their views and said that Aryan is innocent. He is being framed in the case because he belongs to the Bollywood family and is Shah Rukh Khan’s son. Some tweeted saying that Mika shouldn’t support Shah Rukh Khan and this case. While some started protesting against drug peddlers and said the ones in Goa must be nabbed immediately. Goa has been a center point here because according to reports, Arbaz Seth Merchantt’s drug peddler is from Goa and he has been taking drugs from them for a really long time.
(Also Read: Aryan Khan Drug Case: Hrithik Roshan’s Ex-Wife Sussanne Khan Lends Support To Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan)
The next update on this case by the honorable court of justice will be given on October 7.