Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has a new supporter from the celebrity community and it’s actress Tanishaa Mukerji. The Narcotics Control Bureau arrested Aryan after an alleged drug bust aboard a cruise ship near Mumbai on October 2.
Tanishaa is really furious about Aryan’s case and says she definitely thinks that in Aryan’s case, this is harassment. More so by putting the child on a media trial! This is not real journalism, just sensationalism or Bollywood bashing as you would say. Unfortunately, people have become callous towards our stars saying things like, that these are the pros and cons to being a star kid! Really? Obviously, they don’t have any compassion. This country is for all of us and people should be more discerning when looking at the evidence and think what if this was happening to my child? What would one do? Is this justice? While giving this statement, Tanishaa didn’t reveal any names but we do recall a similar statement being said by the Rashmi Rocket actress Taapsee Pannu.
Tanishaa also shared a post on her social media saying ‘Free Him Already with joined hands emoji’
Taapsee Pannu had recently spoken to media sharing That’s a part and parcel of being a public figure. And, that’s a baggage every public figure’s family also carries, whether they like it or not. You have the positives of enjoying a star status and this is the kind of negative that also comes with it. If it’s a family of a big star, you also enjoy the perks of that, right? So, there’s a negative side also that you end up facing.
Tanishaa is the daughter of actor Tanuja and younger sister of actor Kajol. She starred in movies such as Neal ‘n’ Nikki and Tango Charlie.
Aryan was detained after NCB’s raid on a Goa-bound cruise. Aryan and seven others arrested in the case were sent to judicial custody. He has been trying to get bail in the case but without much luck.