Ever since the reality TV diva and entertainment queen Rakhi Sawant’s entry with husband Ritesh alongside Rashami, Devoleena, and Abhijit Bichukale who all came inside the house successfully did end up changing the dynamics and shook the settled equations inside the house by ruffling up the feathers of the celeb contestants who are the NON-VIPs whilst these fiery five wildcard VIP members are seen ruling in house and constantly test waters and loyalties of these celeb contestants in every task which is nowadays so incomplete without an argument or use of physical force against Pratik particularly out of all contestants which has been quite evident in house.
This is true that where there is Rakhi Sawant, the show automatically ends up becoming more challenging, thrilling entertaining and brings in the masala element that was seen missing in the show. This was complained a lot by fans and netizens on social media who claimed that the show was boring before Rakhi’s entry but now is truly enjoyable for them to watch each day thanks to Rakhi’s antics and shenanigans as she brightens up their day.
Also, this is not hidden that even the host Salman Khan is suspicious of their marriage ever since their entry in the show and fans have also been speculating how this could be a fake plotted scam set up by makers or Rakhi Sawant herself which is seen in comments but there is another section who loves Rakhi Sawant and have been lashing out on Ritesh for trying to make her look bad in the show which also includes former BB contestant Kashmera Shah.
In the last few episodes we have been seeing how the cracks in Rakhi and Ritesh’s relationship as husband and wife were evident in the way Ritesh always tried to shut up Rakhi or always kept her on a tight leash and in recent episode this escalated to another level wherein Rakhi and Ritesh are loudly seen arguing with each other whilst in conversation with Shamita Shetty and Rajiv Adatia. Ritesh says that Rakhi never lets him play his game individually and is always trying to give him advice and then on this Rakhi says that Ritesh behaves in a bad manner with her and also talks in a brash tone and the entire conversation that follows makes the strain in their tumultous relationship more visible.
(Also Read: Bigg Boss 15: Rakhi Sawant Gets Irked By THIS Statement Of Abhijit Bichukale As He Calls Ritesh ‘Bhade Ka Pati’)