Famous Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia, who is a very active user of social media platforms, was recently spotted posing for a stunning photoshoot. Neha Dhupia was seen posing for the camera in some beautiful clothing after her very beachy vacation in the Maldives, recently. The actress shared several photos from her recent Maldives trip on her social media as she posed for pictures with her husband, Angad Bedi, and daughter, Mehr Dhupia Bedi.
Watch the video of Neha Dhupia posing for the photoshoot here:
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Soon after returning from the beach vacation, Neha Dhupia posed for a rather sizzling photoshoot. Neha was seen wearing mostly dark coloured fashion pieces which she paired with her smart short hair look. Among many other clothes, Neha wore a black jacket with white polka dots all over it over a black slip-dress and completed the look with a pair of big white hoops. In another outfit, Neha rocked a floral-patterned black jacket over the same slightly low neck slip dress.
Neha’s skin glowed as she posed in front of the bright lights. It seemed like the photographers were playing around with different elements of light and shade for this particular shoot. Neha was also seen rocking a long maroon wrap-around dress with a statement belt across her waist for an outfit. In another, she was seen wearing a dark violet dress which she paired with a set of two necklaces, one slightly dainty and the other, a little on the chunkier side. She also wore an asymmetrically patterned long black shiny dress and a one-shoulder violet piece with golden detailing all over it.
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Neha has shared several photos from her photoshoots with her followers on her social media in the past. Her fans are quick to compliment the actress on her beauty and confidence as a woman. Neha looked as confident as ever as posed for the pictures at this photoshoot as well.
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