Ranveer Singh is often spotted with wife Deepika Padukone as they head out in the city. Not to miss his sweet protective gesture that makes fans go ‘aww’. From the duo’s adorable moments in their car to their rare dinner dates, fans always wait to catch a glimpse of them. Deepika is very busy these days as she is seen travelling to and fro from Mumbai to Alibaugh to shoot her upcoming project with Shakun Batra. Recently, when she was all set to leave Mumbai in a ferry, Ranveer came to drop her at the Gateway of India. Along with them, take a look at what your other favourite celebs like Malaika, Nora, and Ananya are up to.
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Ranveer Singh made sure Deepika Padukone boarded her ferry safely. He accompanied his wifey in a quirky brown jacket and teamed his attire with quirky purple pants. Ranveer’s flashy sunglasses and scarf gave a twist to his attire. After Deepika’s shoot was over, she returned back from Alibaug with her co-stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday. The trio was seen pulling off casual outfits with jackets. Ananya wore her hoodie and smiled for the camera. Nora, who often makes heads turn with her ravishing style statements, was once again spotted at the Mumbai airport in a yet another sassy outfit. She carried an all-black three-piece and complimented her look with a dainty handbag.
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Malaika Arora, on the other hand, stepped out in a classy floral dress. She ditched accessories and makeup both and yet slayed the look like a pro! She tied a messy plait and wore white flip-flops. Tiger Shroff, who is back from his vacation in the Maldives with girlfriend Disha Patani, got back to work in Mumbai. He was seen entering an office in a black sweatshirt. Meanwhile, the paps also captured Soha Ali Khan with her little munchkin Inaaya in Bandra. It looks like the mother-daughter duo were out for some shopping.
On the work front, Deepika and Ranveer are awaiting the release of their film, ’83. Ananya is roped in for the movie, Fighter, alongside Vijay Deverakonda. Tiger, on the other hand, also has films in the pipeline.
Also read: Sharad Kelkar spotted at Super Sunny studio after the success of Laxmi.
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