2 min read

Check Out Masterchef Ranveer Brar Reliving His BachFUN With His Prince Ishaan


May 6, 2020

2 min


Masterchef Ranveer Brar shares a BachFUN moment with his kiddo Ishaan. Watch the chota chef’s plating skills here!

Since ZEE5 Kids has given an opportunity to relive your BachFUN, we have celebrities, cool next-gen moms and dads who are taking full advantage of the #Lockdown and sharing their cute bonding time with their little ones, setting new goals for our campaign, Share Your #BachFUNMoment. 

Watch Vir – The Robot Boy And A Giant Flower here:

Chef Ranveer Brar took the opportunity to share his son Ishaan Singh’s inborn talent. Ranveer Brar took his bond to social media and shared his #BachFUNMoment.

Ranveer said, “Humaara yeh #BachFUNMoment iss chocolate plating jitna hi fun aur mazzedar hai. Khaana, khilaana aur Plating toh jaari hi rahegi mere bete aur mere saath!”. Ranveer is happy seeing Ishaan’s plating skills with the chocolate pastry and the special topping of Ishaan’s chocolatey hand on the pastry.

Brar confesses that he has never had so much fun with Ishaan and he is glad that due to #Lockdown, he has made a memory for a lifetime. So just like Ranveer has said that his fun with Ishaan will continue, he has asked you to share your BachFUN moments with your kids. So go ahead and make a memory of a lifetime and show us your bond, by doing something uniquely funny, innovative, or creative with your youngsters. Watch this space for more such BachFUN!

Watch three chicks and a fox in Eeena Meena Deeka, only on ZEE5!

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