ZEE5 Original film Comedy Couple recently released on the platform. The film follows the lives of, Zoya and Deep, two stand-up comedians who perform together on-stage and are lovers in their personal lives as well. The movie showcases various elements of love, comedy, friendships, hardships, parenthood, and more. Another such element from the film that we all might find helpful from Zoya and Deep’s story is their home decor ideas.
Watch the trailer of Comedy Couple here:
1. Photo Frames
Zoya and Deep hung over ten framed photos of themselves in their apartment. Adding a touch of familiarity of the people residing in the new place, they designated an entire wall & filled it up with these.
2. Microphone Decor
Although we often only associate microphones with singing, the element of mics also represents stand-up comedy. They added a set of two microphones that they play around and sing with in a moving-in sequence.
3. Lighting matters!
In their new apartment, we can see countless different styles of lighting. From tall standing lamps in the living room to table lamps to use during reading or work and from nightstand lamps to string lights out on the balcony for that extra touch of pretty, they had all the accurate lighting in their house. Zoya and Deep’s apartment also had modern designs of hanging ceiling lights.
4. Outdoor Plants
Plants bring greenery and a homely feeling to mostly any kind of set up. Zoya and Deep’s apartment had a spacious open balcony and they made very good use out of it. In a sequence after they moved in, we can see different types of plants lined up against the glass barrier on their balcony.
5. Outdoor Seating
Indoor-outdoor living is a very popular concept currently. In an urban setup, it is difficult to have access to the outdoor living lifestyle that many desire to have in their homes. But with the given balcony space, the couple set up wicker sofa-sets to add it to their apartment.
Also read: Do Stand-up Comedians Tell True Stories? Watch How Deep And Zoya’s Personal Lives Translate On Stage
6. Posters
In various sequences in the film, Zoya and Deep’s apartment walls were seen covered with framed posters of different styles. Cartoons, social media, characters, and many more posters were seen at their home.
7. Patterned Bedding
Zoya and Deep’s headboard of their bed had a specific style of chevron pattern detailing. They matched this pattern styling with stripes, chequered, and a combination of similar patterns for their bed accessories.
8. Neutral Furniture
Amidst the various furniture and decor in the house, Zoya and Deep managed to make everything flow by keeping the colour tones neutral. The couch, racks, and side tables were all of the very simple neutral colours like black, white, wooden, and brown.
9. Souvenir Pieces
Souvenir decor pieces from Goa and Paris were seen on their desk in the living room.
10. Accent cushions
Given the neutral-toned furniture, the couple added accent cushions to complement and complete the look of their living room.
Watch Comedy Couple only on ZEE5!