Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya is very active on her social media handles. The actress is often seen following and acing various trends and also receives a lot of love and appreciation for the same. Well, recently, the actress took to her instagram handle to share a video of her with her mother in law, where in she can be seen giving a ‘Sanskari bahu’ touch to the popular ‘Touch it’ trend. In this video, Divyanka can be seen being schooled on how to touch her mother in law’s feet by her MIL herself. The video however ends on a lighter note where both Divyanka and her mother in law can be seen hugging each other tightly and laughing it off.
Have a look at the video shared by Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya here :
Well, this isn’t the first time Divyanka has aced a particular trend. The actress is often seen exploring and trying various popular instagram trends and is heaped with praises for nailing all of them.
Have a look at a few trends aced by Divyanka here :
Divyanka, who has always been a popular television face, garnered even more popularity after her stint in the stunt based reality show, Khatron ke Khiladi 11. The actress shocked everyone with her brilliant and fearless personality and was often heaped with praises from not just her fellow contestants and her fans but host Rohit Shetty too. Divyanka also earned the title of ‘Dhaakad girl’ as she displayed sheer fearlessness in every stunt performed by her. The actress emerged as the first runner up of Khatron ke Khiladi 11.
What is your take on this video shared by Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya? Let us know in the comments section below.