Diyar-e- Dil is a ZEE5 original show which follows the lives of a Muslim family. The show revolves around Agha Jaan and his grandchildren, Wali and Farah. Agha’s sons, Behroza and Suhaib are separated when the former denies getting married to the girl his father chose for him. After years, their wives, Wali and Farah manage to reunite the family. The show will premiere from May 1, 2020 and is sure to keep the audience hooked with 1500+ hours of entertainment.
Diyar-e-Dil is an emotional story of love and family. The channel will launch 29 new shows, and promises to keep the audience entertained during the period of #lockdown. Diyar-e-Dil is directed by Haseeb Hasan and produced by Momina Durai. The story of the show has been penned down by Farhat Ishtiaq. The show features Abid Ali, Osman Khalid Butt, Maya Ali, Meekal Zulfiqar, Ali Rehman Khan, Sanam Saeed, Hareem Farooq, Behroze Sabzwari, Tara Mahmood, Ahmad Zeb and Mariyam Nafees in pivotal roles. Let’s meet the entire star cast of this television drama serial Diyar-e-Dil.