The hit show on Zee Kannada, Paaru has become awesome since the entry of the latest antagonist, Anushka. While Akhilandeshwari is trying to get Aditya married to Anushka, she has a bigger plan to take over the entire wealth of the former. But that’s for later. How Anushka plans to enter the Akhilandeshwari mansion is by marrying Aditya and then slowly taking control. On the other hand, Parvathi is still receiving signs from the universe that taking off her thaali that Aditya tied around her neck means something bad will happen to him. Now the final angle to this is – Aditya – who likes neither Anushka nor Paaru. He has fallen in love with the logo eyes that represent his herbal products company. How will each of these situations turn into a favourable one at the end? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out.
For now, let’s look at some well-informing behind-the-scenes still and candid images from a soon to be airing episode on the show. It seems from this image that Akhila is showing something to Paaru. Could be more prospective grooms for her? Or something to do with her being the brand ambassador of Aditya’s company? We’ll find out soon.