The lovely Sreenanda Shankar, daughter of famous dancer Tanushree Shankar; made her acting debut in Suman Ghosh’s latest Bengali film Basu Poribar, which is streaming on ZEE5. Watch it now as it is a quite a masterpiece depicting the familial traditions and issues of a typical aristocratic Bengali family. Sreenanda, a dancer herself, is also known for her great sense of style and fashion. Scroll down to check out some off her looks, both on screen and off it, that we loved.
In this picture, Sreenanda is wearing a black long-sleeved and V-necked dress with little white polka dots printed on it. She combines chic and casual effortlessly in this look, and looks extremely comfortable in it too! We love this simple, yet fashionable style.
Watch Sreenanda in the trailer of Basu Poribar here: