Zee Marathi‘s comedy reality show Chala Hawa Yeu Dya has taken us by storm with the hilarious acts presented by the bunch of talented comedians. Amongst the ensemble of comedians is Kushal Badrike who has created a niche for himself with his mimicry and comic timing. The comedian is known for power-packed performances, which he delivers with utmost ease on stage. On the actor’s birthday, let’s look at the seven times he owned the Chala Hawa Yeu Dya stage with his entertaining acts.
Before we begin, watch Kushal in his element in an episode of Chala Hawa Yeu Dya here.
The show gives a platform for celebrities to promote their upcoming projects and films. During one such occasion, Ajay Devgn and Kajol had come in to promote their film Tanhaji. Kushal decided to seize the opportunity and started flirting with Kajol who took it quite sportingly. He then took a dig at Ajay’s film Phool Aur Kaante, sending everyone on sets including the power couple of Bollywood on a laughter riot.