A true action-thriller at its core, Bang Baang is all set to stream from January 25. Boasting of high voltage action and drama in this web series, it also promises a very talented set of leads, Ruhi Singh and Faisal Shaikh. The show revolves around two murders that occur in the royal family of Udaipur. Meera is a police officer who is engaged to the Prince of Udaipur and is also asked to handle this case. Meera is a determined officer and has the wits to solve this case, but what if her ex, Raghu gets involved?
Meera can throw in a few punches and investigate well. She rides bikes and holds guns like she was born to do that. She is athletic and toned! While she looks stunning in racerback tops, a pair of aviators and boots, she looks equally good in more glamourous outfits like evening gowns and bikinis!
Meera is extremely professional when she investigates and she trusts her gut. She is a confident officer and isn’t afraid to step up and inform the authority of her opinions. She is hardworking and focused as her quest for truth seems to be stronger that her feelings towards her engagement to the prince or her past with Raghu.
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As the web series unfolds, and more fingers keep pointing towards Raghu, will Meera be able to find the truth about Raghu’s involvement in the case? And will she be able to resist his charms when he’s always around? To find out, watch Bang Baang: The Sound of Crimes on ZEE5.