Zee Telugu is all set to launch yet another fiction show with a storyline we haven’t seen or heard of before. The show, titled Hitler Gari Pellam, will bring the noted Television actor Nirupam Paritala back into our lives again. Tamil actor Gomathi Priya will be seen essaying the titular role as Bhanumathi, marking her debut in Telugu. How will the love story of AJ and Bhanu blossom, we wonder?
Watch the promo here:
The new promo that released earlier this week features all the key characters from the show. The promo starts with Abhinav Jagarlamudi, better known as AJ, walking into his restaurant. He dismisses a man from work for having dusty shoes. Upon walking further inside the eatery, he scolds a waitress for having unruly hair. Moreover, he taunts a chef for cooking garelu in too much oil.
While this behaviour makes us believe that AJ is a thorough perfectionist, people who know him have something else to say. Daksha, Maya and Chitra, who happen to be AJ’s daughters-in-law, feel outraged by his bossy demeanour. The ladies decide to change the man that AJ has become. The only solution to this problem according to them, is to get AJ married to a sweet and sturdy woman. Well, could there be a girl strong enough to make this difficult taskmaster a kinder person?
Just in time, AJ sees a girl seated in his restaurant. The girl is Bhanu. After sipping on her cup of coffee, Bhanu packs some mouth-freshener for herself in a tissue paper. AJ intervenes her petty theft and she decides to set him straight. By spinning the chair in a dramatic fashion, Bhanu sits down like a boss lady and orders AJ to bring a plateful of mouth-freshener for her.
Not only AJ but even we were stunned to see Bhanu’s gutsy move. Stay tuned to watch the show on ZEE5, before TV, starting August 17. Read more about all your favourite shows here or watch them here.
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