Hum Tum And Them is a family drama centered around Shiva and Yudi, played by Shweta Tiwari and Akshay Oberoi, respectively. The ZEE5 Original web series revolves around the love story of Shiva and Yudi who have lost love in life and are presented with a second chance in the form of each other. They both basically are the ‘Hum’ and ‘Tum’ in the Hum Tum And Them while the latter part ‘Them’ includes the kids of these two. Shiva is shown to have a teenage daughter while Yudi is the father of three. With themes like love, romance, age, passion, parenting, societal pressure running in parallel, Hum Tum And Them is a journey filled with highs and lows. Besides, a stellar cast and a watertight script, a stunning music album is the selling point of the digital drama. Two songs namely Naina and Kuch Is Tarah have been released by ZEE5 from the series.
Naina Matwaale is a beautiful song from #HumTumAndThem orbiting the strength of love. Shiva and Yudi cannot take their eyes off each other after they cross paths. In fact, we even hear Yudi tell her that, “Shiva yaar, main acha aadmi nahi hoon. Par tu mujhe bahot achi lagti hai.” The very sentence sums up the kind of freedom they experience while enjoying each other’s company. Rest assured, you would totally play this melody number on repeat.
Kuch Is Tarah is a supremely touching song that will tug directly at your heartstrings. Shiva and Yudi are attracted to each other beyond anything and everything. It’s not in their power to stay away from each other and Kuch Is Tarah depicts exactly that. But will their children approve of their budding romance and welcome them into their lives?
A beautifully layered series, Hum Tum And Them touches upon love and parenting at large. Will Shiva and Yudi find their happily ever after? Check out the trailer of the series in case you haven’t already:
You can now start streaming episodes of Hum Tum And Them on ZEE5!
Watch all episodes of Bhram streaming on ZEE5. Watch out for this historic horror book available online now.