Sanjay Narvekar revealed that acting happened to him by fluke when he came on Kanala Khada. The actor recalled an incident from college where he and a bunch of friends visited a college festival and decided to audition for a play, just to get an experience. It so happened that Sanjay’s performance was liked by selectors and he bagged the lead role! Since then there was no looking back for him. “I started enjoying acting,” said the actor. He started building a career in plays and then gradually moved to theatre.
When asked about how his family reacted to his decision, Sanjay revealed, “I hail from a typical middle-class background where no one has been involved in the field of entertainment. So when I told my parents, my father didn’t say much but my mother was adamant that I complete my education and get a job. But I was in no mood to listen to her. Eventually she also gave up.”
Watch the full episode here.