Kareena Kapoor Khan can turn any road into a runway ramp! The actress, who recently made her television debut as the celebrity judge on Dance India Dance, scored high on our style barometer with her final look for the Zee TV show. Ever since the dance-based reality show went on the air on June 2019, Kareena ensured every look of hers doesn’t just impress fans and the fashion police but also takes the fashion game for other TV judges a notch above. Experimenting with bright and bold hues, daring slits and plunging necklines to cutout blazers, the Veere Di Wedding star slayed in them all. Saving the best for the last i.e. grand finale of #DanceIndiaDance 7, Kareena chose to ooze sensuality and splendour in a stunning gown by Yousef Al Jasmi.
Looking the royalty she is, stylist Mohit Rai picked a pastel number to end Kareena’s supremely stylish sartorial inning on television as a judge. The shimmery creation was further accentuated by the dominant 2018 fashion trend – bell sleeves. A sweetheart neckline coupled with a wrap-around structure across the sleek waistline only played up the Bollywood diva’s sexy curves. She tied the outfit together with a metallic gold necklace from Bvlgari’s Serpenti collection and tie-up heels by Louboutin.
A sleek knotted bun, subtle makeup with dramatic eyes and neutral lips rounded out the look to the T. Check out visuals of Kareena’s enchanting look here:
For an episode preceding the finale, Kareena went with a besotting black Silvia Tcherassi creation. Styled by Tanya Ghavri, chunk Amrapali jewels lent the look a Bohemian feel. Loose hair styled straight and pulled back, with kohled smokey eyes and a nude pout added chic touch. Seen it yet?
What do you think of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s latest looks on Dance India Dance 7? Tell us in the comments box below. Meanwhile, catch up with the episodes of DID here:
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