Karthik Kumar, a well-known Tamil stand-up comedian and actor, married actress Amrutha Srinivasan recently. The wedding photos and videos are making the rounds on social media, generating a stir many of those who are wishing them well. The wedding, according to reports, actually occurred in Chennai and was attended by their friends and family.
As well-wishes flood in for the wedded pair, actress Vinodhini Vaidyanath thanked them on social media. Her message on the photo said she was pleased for the pair. Karthik was in desperate need of a break, and he got one in the form of Amrutha i.e AM and KK, she is confident, would look after each other well. Have a lovely wedding and a long and happy marriage. They’ve both earned it.
Lakshmi Priya Chandramouli, an actress, also wished the couple well. She expressed her admiration for Amrutha and Karthik’s love and desired for their lives to be as wonderful and full of love and pleasure as theirs. Amrutha Srinivasan is most known for her starring role in the digital series ‘Livin,’ as well as her roles in the films ‘Meyaadha Maan’ and ‘Dev.’ Karthik has appeared in films such as ‘Kana Naal Mudhal,’ ‘Yaaradi Nee Mohini,’ and ‘Deiva Thirumagal,’ among others. He has been one of India’s most popular stand-up comedians. He separated from singer Suchitra a couple of years ago. According to sources, they fell in love while filming the unnamed film, which includes K. Bhagyaraj and Urvashi in key parts. After a few months of dating, the couple decided to take their things to the next level.
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Meanwhile, actor Karthik Kumar is getting hitched for the second time in secret. Karthik is currently in possession of starlet Amrutha Srinivasan, who has appeared in films such as Maya Deer and Dev. Their wedding was held in Chennai. The wedding was attended by just close family and friends. On the social media profile, actress Vinodini congratulated them and shared images of their wedding. This is how his marriage became public knowledge. On social media, artist Karthik Kumar and actress Amruta Srinivasan’s wedding photos have gone viral.