Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay is a popular television show that stars Krushal Ahuja as Karna Sen and Swastika Dutta as Radhika Sen in lead roles. While the show has always had several interesting characters, there was recently a new addition of Thammi on Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay. The viewers saw the arrival of Karna’s strict grandmother who lives in the village with her other son and daughter-in-law. Ever since she came, the old lady has been quite a troublemaker in Radhika’s life with her rather orthodox opinions. There are countless ways that Thammi proves to be that typical desi relative or in-law, who has the most conservative beliefs about life. Let’s admit, we all have come across at least one such relative!
Watch what will happen next on Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay here:
1. Only men should go to work
Thammi strongly believes that the daughters-in-law of any household only belong inside the house. Hence, she strongly disapproves of Radhika’s choice to go out to work at the Sen Creations’ office. This creates a huge scene at the Sen household when Karna defends Radhika’s right to work.
2. Thammi’s right to teach a lesson
When Karna stands up for Radhika’s right to go to work, Thammi decides to punish her by delaying her departure for a meeting. She strongly believes that she has the right to teach Radhika and even Karna a lesson when they go against her ideals of life.
Also read: Monday Motivation: Here’s how Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay’s Radhika can inspire all women out there
3. The bou(s) and younger family members should not be outspoken
Thammi believes the bou(s) of the house should never raise their voice or talk back to her or any other elder member of the family. She insults about how she answered back to her, referring to their first time meeting each other.
4. Housewives should always keep their hair tied and use ghomta
Thammi has a distinct belief that bou(s) should always have their hair tied up and never leave it open in the house, especially the kitchen. She also believes that bou(s) need to practice keeping their ghomta on as a sign of respect to the elderly.
Also read: Ki Kore Bolbo Tomay: 6 times Thammi and her outlook on things made life more challenging for Radhika
5. The need to know every ritual
Being a religious person, Thammi stands by the fact that the bou(s) should be aware of all religious requirements, beliefs, each and every ritual that needs to take place and even carry them out themselves. She makes Radhika and Payel sit for Gita Path at night and tests them later on their understanding of it.
6. Bous should do every house chore on their own
Thammi believes that rather than getting outside help for basic cleanliness of the house and even occasional decorations, the bou(s) of the family should conduct the chores. According to her, worthy daughters-in-law always carry out every single household chore by themselves.
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