Krupa Sindhu is a devotional show dedicated to Swami Samarth Maharaj of Akkalkot. The deity was said to be born to eradicate social evils. He performed miracles and his devotees worship him to date. Swami Samarth took samadhi in the village of Akkalkot near Satara. The saint was highly learned and supposedly possessed supernatural powers. The show starring Praful Samant as Swami Samarth is based on the life of the saint and how he turned non-believers into his worshippers with the help of his miracles.
Watch an episode from the show here.
The serial has some powerful characters and it highlights lessons that each one of us can imbibe to lead a successful and happy life. Let’s take a look at Swami Samarth first, who as understood by now, is the protagonist. The saint is said to have no records of being born and is believed to have spent 22 years of his life trying to reform Akkalkot. On the show, the character’s aura is infectious and speaks volumes of his divinity.