Kundali Bhagya’s storyline has taken a major turn with Prithvi’s entry into the Luthra house. Prithvi gave a warning to Preeta that he is coming back to win her back and has already started plotting for the same. While Karan is furious to see Kritika being married to Prithvi, Preeta has decided to stop Kritika’s marriage by exposing Prithvi’s real intentions… yes once again!
Before Prithvi entered the Luthra house, he did speak to Preeta about how he is coming back to take her away from Karan. He also said that he would do anything to have her in his life forever. So now, if Preeta wants to expose Prithvi, she can let everyone know about their call.
While it would be tough to make everyone understand his real intentions, Prithvi’s history with Preeta can help her make them realise. Preeta can also use call recording as proof to blackmail Prithvi. She can convince him to leave Kritika and also mark his exit without creating any mess further.
As we all saw that Sherlyn is devastated by Prithvi’s decision to get married to Kritika. Preeta can use Sherlyn as a scapegoat to expose Prithvi. She can manipulate her in her quest to expose Prithvi. She can also use Sherlyn’s pregnancy against her as she knows she’s carrying Prithvi’s child.
Preeta can also use Prithvi’s love for her to kick him out of her house. She can make him believe that she has not moved on and wants him back in her life. This way she can fool him to leave Kritika and further expose him by showing how he was totally faking his marriage with her.
And if this doesn’t work, she can use some tactics of Prithvi himself thereby teaching him a lesson in his own words. She can create a situation where Prithvi meets Sherlyn and she will then catch them together along with the Luthra family members. This will expose Sherlyn and Prithvi’s long buried secret and thus Kritika’s wedding will also get cancelled.
It will be interesting to see who will win this game of love – Prithvi or #PreeRan? Watch Kundali Bhagya on ZEE5 to get more updates.