The Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya starrer movie, Love Story, which has already garnered a lot of media attention, is all set to release on Friday the 24th of September. Adding to the list, this time around Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu has also extended his support and appreciation for the two actors and the film. Mahesh Babu took to his Twitter account and extended his support to the upcoming Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya starter movie – Love Story.
The romantic drama – Love Story is already showing a high level of promise through advance booking in theatres seems quite exciting. Recently, in the pre-release show, lead actor Naga Chaitanya conveyed that he was never so attached to a character like in Love Story. He further said that he can go to any extent for director Shekhar Kammula. The whole crew is very excited about the release of the film.
Film – Love Story is directed by Shekhar Kammula, and is a joint-ventured with Amigos Creations and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas. Sai Pallavi is playing the role of the lead actress. This film is the first time when Sai Pallavi and Naga Chaitanya are working together on the same project.
Naga Chaitanya’s Love Story pre-release event graced by perfectionist Aamir Khan
A few days back, when the trailer of Love Story was launched, Samantha Ruth Prabhu had praised the movie. She shared the Love Story trailer on her Twitter handle and showered praises on the crew and Sai Pallavi for bringing to life such a beautiful tale. Later Naga Chaitanya had shared her tweet with a reply expressing his Thanks. As for Naga Chaitanya, he also has Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starter Laal Singh Chadha in the pipeline.