Kishwer Merchant and husband Suyash Rai were recently blessed with a baby boy. The couple took to their social media handles to share this good news with all their fans and well-wishers. Well, Kishwer and Suyash have done something really special for son Nirvair Rai off lately. Yes, the couple got their son Nirvair’s name tattooed on their necks. Kishwer and Suyash both got matching tattoos of son Nutcase on their necks. Kishwer shared a video of them getting their son Nirvair’s name etched on her Instagram handle. In the video, Kishwer can be seen saying that while her son Nirvair is asleep, she cannot wait to share something special with all her fans. After which, both Kishwer and Suyash were spotted in a tattoo parlor getting their matching tattoos done. Sharing this video, Kishwer wrote ” Issa vibe Issa vibe”
Well, both Suyash and Kishwer have been quite active on their social media handles throughout Kishwer’s pregnancy and also did not fail to share special updates with all their fans. For the unversed, Suyash Rai and Kishwer Merchant were blessed with a baby boy on the 27th of August this year. The couple shared a cute picture of them with their newborn son on their social media handles to update all their fans about the same. Kishwer Merchant was b quite active throughout her pregnancy and also shared videos of her exercising with all her fans, bashing all taboos and norms. Ever since the birth of their child Nirvair, both Suyash and Kishwer are often seen sharing cute pictures and small glimpses of them with their son.
The couple was also given a cute welcome when the two arrived home after their son Nirvair’s birth, glimpses of which Kishwer herself shared on her Instagram account. Both Kishwer and Suyash have however decided to not reveal their son’s face to the world as of now. Have a look at some cute pictures and videos shared by Kishwer and Suyash recently:
Well, how cute is this gesture by Kishwer and Suyash? Drop in your views in the comments section below.