A simple thought-provoking story inspired by real-life events, Pareeksha manages to stand out among the melee of movies dedicated to the underdog struggling for a better life. Directed by the brilliant Prakash Jha, it stars the critically acclaimed Adil Hussain, Priyanka Bose, Sanjay Suri, and newcomer Shubham Jha.
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A story that spans from the rustic streets to the bustling city of Bihar, it revolves around the rickshaw puller Buchhi, who dreams of sending his son to the CBSE school, where he drops off children from the privileged families. His wife is a factory worker skeptical about her husband’s wishes but realizes the potential her son Bulbul has when it comes to his studies. The parents strive together to get him transferred from the government to the private CBSE school, while he studies hard to pass the examination. But getting him into the school is only the first test that they had to pass, as more obstacles come in the way of Bulbul’s stability to be a part of his new school.
Director Prakash Jha proves his knowledge of the life in Bihar, as he takes care of every minute detail, from Buchhi’s humble residence to the speech of the different cast members. The scenes balance well, from the silent acceptance of reality to the dramatic flow of emotions while the struggle gets truly difficult. Even throughout the sorrowful circumstances, the movie manages to hold our interest and build hope, and not just be a tear-jerking affair. The grapples faced by Bulbul in his old and new school render the audience with the complications in a child’s life, just for the simple need of education. Adil Hussain and Priyanka Bose effortlessly play the roles of the troubled parents who leave no stone unturned, going against the societal notions to give their son a fair chance at education and success.
The different dynamics of people from various backgrounds and their behavior towards Buchhi’s family act as an eye-opener to the audience, depicting the reality of hardships faced by a common man just to fulfill their basic need for education. While watching the movie, it’s hard to not relate to at least a single situation shown. You could either be on the receiving end, like Bulbul and his family were, or the ones standing in his way to a brighter future. You could also just be a witness to such unjust acts, having no way to stand up for the victims. However, the movie gives you that tiny hope, the one that proves if Bulbul could do it then why not you?
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