Mrunal Thakur, who will play Ishaan Khatter and Priyanshu Painyuli’s reel sister in Pippa, has completed filming. In Amritsar and Mumbai, the brilliant actor shot for the forthcoming project coming from the stable of Roy Kapur Films and RSVP productions. Pippa has shown Mrunal such a fantastic experience and enriched her as an actor. As part of her preparation, she thoroughly enjoyed reading about the era. It was an honour for Thakur to be a part of a film that personalises an Indian victory. Working with Raja Krishna Menon, Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapur, and the rest of the cast was also pretty fantastic for Mrunal as an actress.
While Soni Razdan has completed her share of the filming, Khatter and Painyuli will continue to work on the Raja Krishna Menon film. Pippa is a heroic tank battle film based on Brigadier Balram Singh Mehta’s novel The Burning Chaffees, which highlights the bravery of a war veteran of the 45th Cavalry tank squadron who, along with his siblings, fought on the eastern front during the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971, which resulted in the liberation of India’s neighbour Bangladesh. The amphibious battle vehicle engaged in the triumph, dubbed Pippa, resembles an empty ghee dabba that floats on water.
Pippa, produced by RSVP and Roy Kapur Films, stars Ishaan Khatter, Priyanshu Painyuli, Soni Razdan and Mrunal Thakur. Set against the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pakistan war, the film stars Khatter as Brigadier Balram Singh Mehta of the 45th Cavalry tank squadron, who fought on the eastern front with his brothers.
(Also Read: Pippa Poster: Ishaan Khatter Starrer Goes On The Floors From Today; Actor Gives A Glimpse Of His First Look)
Thakur and Painyuli will play Khatter’s on-screen brothers, while Razdan will play Mehta’s mother. The title of the film is drawn from the Russian amphibious battle tank PT-76, widely known as Pippa, and is based on Brigadier Mehta’s book, The Burning Chaffees. Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP and Siddharth Roy Kapur’s Roy Kapur Films are producing the film. Last month, the squad began its first schedule in Amritsar. The film’s background score is provided by AR Rahman.