Rakhi Sawant who is also known as the queen of entertainment by people all across the country has been taken a jibe at by a known politician this time. Vice Chairman of Delhi Jal board, Raghav Chaddha had taken to his twitter handle to take a jibe at Navjot Singh Sidhu by comparing him to Rakhi Sawant. He took to his twitter handle and said that Navjot Singh Sidhu is the Rakhi Sawant of Indian politics. Have a look at his tweet here:
” The Rakhi Sawant of Punjab politics -Navjot Singh Sidhu- has received a scolding from Congress high command for non stop rant against Capt. Therefore today,for a change, he went after Arvind Kejriwal. Wait till tomorrow for he shall resume his diatribe against Capt with vehemence”
Well, Rakhi Sawant has finally reacted on this comment made by Raghav. The actress in an interview with a media portal has asked Raghav to stay away from her and her name and has asked him to not use her name to gain popularity.
Well, apparently, Kavita Kaushik has come forward to reply to Raghav on this tweet and has said that Rakhi has always earned with her own hard work and that she has the capability to even turn a dull show into a huge hit.
Rakhi has responded to this gesture of Kavita Kaushik by calling her a sweetheart and an amazing actress.
Talking about Rakhi Sawant, the actress was seen protesting outside the Bigg Boss OTT house to be let in the house. Following which, the actress was also sent as a guest on the show on one weekend. For the unversed, Rakhi Sawant was sent as a challenger in the Bigg Boss 14 house and had also saved the dropping trps of the show. The actress often got into feuds with Jasmin Bhasin, Abhinav Shukla, Aly Goni and Rubina Dilaik in the Bigg Boss house.
Rakhi was last seen in two music videos called ‘Lockdown’ and ‘Dream mein entry,’ both of which received huge amount of love.
Well, what do you have to say about Rakhi’s reaction on Raghav Chaddha’s comment?