Manju Warrier has been one of Malayali’s all-time favourite heroine for almost two decades. The actress started her career in Malayalam films with the superhit movie Sakshyam in 1995 at the age of 17. By her charismatic on-screen presence, the actress still amuses us with different impactful roles. Manju made us laugh by portraying Meenukutty in the movie ‘Mohanlal’ in 2018, and in 2019 she surprised us again in the character of Madhuri in Prathi Poovankozhi. The two roles are proof of Manju Warrier’s versatile acting skills. Here is a chance for you guys to choose your favourite character played by Manju in the following ZEE5 Malayalam movies.
Missed out on Malayalam film Prathi Poovankozhi featuring Manju Warrier? Watch it here on ZEE5:
Is it Madhuri from Prathi Poovan Kozhi or Meenukutty from Mohanlal? Vote for your favourite Manju Warrier character now!
#1 Meenukutty from Mohanlal
Manju Warrier’s performance in the movie ‘Mohanlal’ as Meenukutty gave us some of the best moments to laugh. Meenukutty (Manju Warrier) is an ardent fan of the actor Mohanlal, and she struggles with celebrity worship syndrome. The movie develops when her husband, played by Indrajith, who is supportive of her in the beginning, finds her antics embarrassing and hard to live with.
Directed by Sajid Yahiya, this Malayalam comedy is a must-watch for everyone who enjoys a carefree laugh. Watch the full movie on ZEE5 now!
#2 Madhuri From Prathi Poovankozhi
Prathi Poovankozhi tells the story of Madhuri,(Manju Warrier), who works as a salesgirl in a textile shop. She gets assaulted on a bus by a market place goon Antappan, played by Rosshan Andrrews. The movie follows Madhuri’s (Manju Warrier) search for justice.
It is an inspiring tale of a young woman who is willing to pursue a dreaded criminal to take revenge. Prathi Poovankozhi also features some power-packed performances from Saiju Kurup, Anu Sree, and Rosshan Andrrews. The movie is a must-watch for everyone who loves to watch Manju Warrier’s versatility in Malayalam films. Watch the full movie on ZEE5 now!
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