Parvathy from Pookalam Varavayi has set some serious goals for all the mothers, and we love it. She, along with her daughters, has given us some of the most memorable moments. From small fights to eventual teases, they have made us all go aww at their equation. On the contrary, we have Sharmila and Saudamini who wish for nothing but bad things for Abhimanyu and Samyuktha. Life would have been easier if Sharmila wasn’t in the picture. Here’s why we would’ve loved Parvathy in Sharmila’s place.
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Welcoming by Heart
A house is never a home, if the people there aren’t welcoming of guests and loved ones. Well, Sharmila hates almost everyone and is never accepting of the people she has issues with. We can only imagine how different life would be at Kalapurackal if Parvathy lived there. Abhimanyu and Samyuktha would have a great time inviting people over, unlike how they are scared of Sharmila doing something to destroy their relations.

A Mother’s Love
Mothers have a habit of saving their kids from anything. Parvathy has showcased this multiple times. However, we recently saw poor Samyuktha struggle to get a sick Abhi to the hospital only to face the heat from Sharmila and Saudamini. Things would have been way different if it was Parvathy in her place, in which case she would be the one to rush him to the hospital first.
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A Pillar of Support
We all need a pillar of support in our lives; someone to lend a shoulder for us to cry on and listen to all our worries. It is sad that Samyuktha barely has someone like that and she keeps it all to herself. Sharmila would be the worst person to talk to as she herself is often the reason of Samyuktha’s worries. Well, it is very rarely that we see Samyuktha with Parvathy and it is always fulfilling to see how well they fit in each other’s lives even though they have had their share of differences.

A Happy Home
There is no denying the fact that Kalapurackal isn’t a happy home. There’s always something or the other happening with Sharmila and Saudamini constantly coming up with crooked plans to hurt Samyuktha. Our beloved Parvathy would have taken good care of her and Abhi, while making a happy home filled with smiles and joy.
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